Meet the Larimer Health Connect Team:

Rosie Duran
Larimer Health Connect Program Coordinator
Rosie is the Larimer Health Connect Program Coordinator. She was born and raised in Miami, Florida and moved to Colorado in 1998. Rosie has 2 kids, a spouse and a furry friend. Rosie received a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Technical Communications from Colorado State University and has been working at the Health District since 1998. She has been working with Medicaid and CHP+ for almost 20 years, and the marketplace since its inception in 2014. "I am passionate about what I do and most importantly, I enjoy the families and individuals we serve, knowing that I am truly helping them in a way that makes a huge difference in their lives." In her free time, Rosie enjoys spending time with family, reading and biking. Rosie's superpower: Being in 2 places at once

Mylinh Han
Health Coverage Specialist
Mylinh is originally from El Monte, California, but has lived in the Fort Collins/Loveland area since she was 3-years-old. She has an A.A.S. from Aims Community College, her credentials are R.T.(R)(ARRT), she is a certified Health Coverage Guide and she is fluent in Spanish. Mylinh loves teaching clients something new, helping them to understand what assistance is available to them and empowering individuals to maximize their health and preventive benefits. She also enjoys the ability to extend herself with all of the problem-solving that is involved and helping to trouble-shoot complex issues. In her free time, Mylinh enjoys reading and watching period films. Mylinh's superpower: Research (good at sniffing out facts on most any subject)

Trudy Herman
Health Coverage Specialist
Trudy has worked as a Health Coverage Specialist for 9 years and her own experiences coordinating a variety of health insurances with difficult family medical issues has given her a more sensitive approach when helping her own clients through the process. She enjoys meeting clients to help them navigate the complexities and changes of the Affordable Care Act and how it applies to their situation. Trudy says, “clients become friends” because each year there are changes to report like babies being born or kids aging out of their parent’s plan and entering into their own adult households. Trudy grew up in New Jersey, and as an adult lived in Spain, and other states, but Fort Collins has been home for over 31 years. As a graduate of Purdue University with a degree in Nutrition, Trudy volunteered for 10 years to help the American Diabetes Association with the “Safe At School” program for Type I Diabetics. In her spare time, her interests include exercising and keeping healthy so she can keep up with her 4 grandchildren, playing games, teaching National Mah Jongg and zooming to meet up with friends who are far away. Trudy's superpower: Energizer bunny

Roy Ramirez
Health Coverage Specialist
Roy has a B.A. in Psychology/Criminal Justice from the University of Texas Pan America, and over 11 years of experience in public service; mostly in employment services and case management. He was born and raised in south Texas and relocated to Colorado in 2017. Roy enjoys being able to directly impact the quality of life for his clients. "I have personally experienced many of the issues associated with lack of access to healthcare and I know first hand how that can affect quality of life. The look of relief on the faces of most of my clients when they leave my office is a tremendous motivating factor for me." Roy enjoys watching movies, reading, birding, playing RPG video games, kettleball training and spending time with his family. Roy's superpower: Humor